Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Errr....Happy Holidays?

Well...the holidays are over and a new year is upon us. Hopefully 2010 will mark the beginning of the end for the slump that the economy has been in since 2008. The holidays, as usual, came and went too quickly! December 30th marked the 10 year anniversary of marriage for Chris and I....my best friend and love of my life! She is my biggest supporter and confidant and for that I am eternally grateful. Work is keeping me busy and Chris is enjoying her new job as well. It's been cold down here in the South. I believe it's getting colder every winter since we moved to South Carolina. So much for global warming I guess. Global cooling or climate change anyone? I hope everybody had a great holiday season and found you and yours in good health and spirits! Stay positive and keep your head up!!!
