Tuesday, June 8, 2010

New blog host and layout.

It seems as though Google is everywhere I want to be :) I already use docs, buzz, gmail, iGoogle and calendar so it seemed like a natural progression to move my blog over to Blogger. It's much more extensible than Flatpress with excellent tools and good pre-built layouts. I hope to be more active in my entries so you all know what's going on with me and if you happen to see an ad that catches your fancy, click-through!

Stay cool out there!


Things are heating up!

June 1, 2010

Well…Summer’s here or at least it’s on it’s way. One of the reasons I like living in the south is that the summers are beautiful and the winters are never too cold. My mother has been here visiting. She comes every spring and usually stays for a month. We love having her and Whelan ( our dog) is infatuated with “grammy”. Work has been pretty busy for both Chris and I. We’ll be having our annual summer party soon. That is always an excellent time to just hang out and have good food and drinks with great friends. The guitars inevitably get pulled out later in the evening and played out on the patio…sorry neighbors! Chris is planning a vacation in the Outer Banks of N.C. sometime in August. We really need a break from all of the day-to-day grind that each of us know too well.
As always, keep your head’s up and don’t let life pass you by. ‘Til next time!


Errr….Happy Holidays?

January 12, 2010

Well…the holidays are over and a new year is upon us. Hopefully 2010 will mark the beginning of the end for the slump that the economy has been in since 2008. The holidays, as usual, came and went too quickly! December 30th marked the 10 year anniversary of marriage for Chris and I….my best friend and love of my life! She is my biggest supporter and confidant and for that I am eternally grateful. Work is keeping me busy and Chris is enjoying her new job as well. It’s been cold down here in the South. I believe it’s getting colder every winter since we moved to South Carolina. So much for global warming I guess. Global cooling or climate change anyone? I hope everybody had a great holiday season and found you and yours in good health and spirits! Stay positive and keep your head up!!!


Happy Thanksgiving!!!

November 27, 2009

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and that you were able to spend it with friends and family. We stayed in town this year as our gathering in Raleigh was shifted to Long Island for a combo birthday/thanksgiving party. Luckily for my wife and I, we have some great neighbors in Patrick and Carlin. They heard we were staying home and invited us to spend Thanksgiving with them at Patrick’s family in Columbia. As usual everybody ate too much and the food comas’ were coming on strong! :) We had a great time! Patrick’s father and stepmother are wonderful people and treated us as extended members of the family. That is the spirit of the holiday…giving thanks for this GREAT country and being with people you love!!! Again, a huge thanks to Patrick and Carlin. Stay healthy and happy and have a wonderful holiday season!!!!


Whew…it’s been a while!

October 14, 2009

Hey all. I’ve been on the road enough that I haven’t updated the blog. Sorry. The new product roll-out is going spectacular! We have not had a new product get this kind of traction ever, I’m told. Everything is good with the wife and the animals. It’s starting to cool off down here in the south. So beautiful this time of year. I need to get out and mow the lawn. It’s starting to look like a mini jungle out there! Halloween is coming up soon so keep those little trick or treaters safe and have a good time! Getting all dressed up in those costumes was always so cool. You kind of miss the simple things when you get older it’s nice to reflect on the “old days” That is all for know people. Don’t forget…”keep one foot in the gutter and one fist on the gold!”


Been traveling a bit lately.

August 19, 2009

It’s been since right before we went on vacation that I added an entry. The Mon. we got back I headed straight to Raleigh for a few days and tonight I just got back from a couple of days in Indianapolis. It was my first trip to the Midwest and Indy is a nice city. We went to a great steakhouse in the suburb of Fishers. Excellent Bleu cheese crusted Filet! Work is keeping me pretty busy these days as we ramp up the new products. That is all for now…


Vacation coming up!

July 30, 2009

Heading out to Fripp Island on Sat. morning for vacation. We’re renting a six bedroom house right across from the beach with a bunch of my wife’s family. It’s going to be a packed shack and I’m anticipating a great week relaxing and drinking a few cold ones with Johnny Cac and the rest of the clan! I’ve been pretty busy at work with my new position and ramping up the new product from a sales engineering and product management standpoint. Alot of conference calls and sales meetings with the Regional VP’s and sales team. It’s exciting to see this start rolling. I’ll update the blog when we return from vacation and regale you with the stories! Live long and prosper!


Man am I bad at golf!

June 17, 2009

So I played golf for the first time since March and it was not pretty. I really need to take some lessons. Part of the problem is a lack of practice which means my medically held together back gets tired before I finish 9 holes. I started off hitting my tee shots etc. decently but as my back tired and got stiff, all went downhill! The ball was literally flying all over the place. Big John and I managed to have a great time in spite of this(as we always do) but my lack of golf ability gets me frustrated and sloppy. I definitely need to give the instructor a call….SOON!!!!!!! As always, keep your heads up and eyes straight forward!


Summer is on it’s way. I love it!

June 11, 2009

Don’t you just love summer? I do. If I could wear shorts everyday of my life that would make me a happy man. Remember the days as a kid when school was out of session? Riding around on your bike with your friends without a care in the world. Ahhh the good ole days. That’s it for now. Everyone have a great summer!


Well…I’m 36 today. I feel good though.

June 3, 2009

Yes folks, today is the day of my birth. On this day in 1973 Yonkers, NY you were all gifted with my presence(just kidding!) Thanks to everybody for the kind words and abundance of e-cards. Isn’t the web a wonderful thing. It thinks for us…yeah! Lunch was on Bobby today and I ate a bit too much at Macaroni Grill. Sorry to Halle for the lunch invite foul-up. Mom goes back to VT in the morning. We had a great time. Tina and I will miss her alot. We always have such a great time hangin’ with Mom! Thanks again and don’t forget, we are all part owners of GM now so we have that going for us!


Happy Memorial Day!

May 26, 2009

Memorial Day is a day for us to honor and remember those who have fought and died for the freedom that all Americans enjoy. This is probably lost on alot of people these days. We seem to have forgotten the sacrifice that so many have made for this great country without even knowing who we are. So keep these thoughts in your hearts on this day and do what you can to honor the men and women of our armed forces.


So yeah, “herpes in the workplace”…just kidding!

May 19, 2009

I have a lot of fun at my job. There are a number of great people that I interact with everyday. I wish that for everyone in this world. We spend most of our lives sleeping and the rest is basically spent either at work or traveling to and from. If you don’t love what you do, life can be quite miserable! A few of us were talking about my blog today and I was trying to figure out what to write about and I just blurted out “herpes in the workplace!” So now you know. And remember, “love what you do and at the very least do everything to the best of your ability” At the end of the day all we have left is the legacy we leave…


OMG!!! Brett Favre watch has me on the edge of suicide…j/k. But c’mon is it necessary?

May 14, 2009

I love the NFL Network. I really do. But this whole Favre watch is too much for me. Let’s just update everyone when he finally signs with someone. If we don’t hear anything else we’ll assume he hasn’t and go about our day. Any thoughts? Any cander? Let me know….


I am really digging this guy’s stuff right now!

May 13, 2009

I happened to see Raphael Saadiq on “Dancing with the Stars” last night and was blown away. Whatever happened to “performers” like this? We’re so deprived by dime - a - dozen music acts today be it rap, rock, r&b, etc. This is very refreshing. I hope you all dig it like I do. Check it out.