Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Whew…it’s been a while!

October 14, 2009

Hey all. I’ve been on the road enough that I haven’t updated the blog. Sorry. The new product roll-out is going spectacular! We have not had a new product get this kind of traction ever, I’m told. Everything is good with the wife and the animals. It’s starting to cool off down here in the south. So beautiful this time of year. I need to get out and mow the lawn. It’s starting to look like a mini jungle out there! Halloween is coming up soon so keep those little trick or treaters safe and have a good time! Getting all dressed up in those costumes was always so cool. You kind of miss the simple things when you get older it’s nice to reflect on the “old days” That is all for know people. Don’t forget…”keep one foot in the gutter and one fist on the gold!”


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