Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Well…I’m 36 today. I feel good though.

June 3, 2009

Yes folks, today is the day of my birth. On this day in 1973 Yonkers, NY you were all gifted with my presence(just kidding!) Thanks to everybody for the kind words and abundance of e-cards. Isn’t the web a wonderful thing. It thinks for us…yeah! Lunch was on Bobby today and I ate a bit too much at Macaroni Grill. Sorry to Halle for the lunch invite foul-up. Mom goes back to VT in the morning. We had a great time. Tina and I will miss her alot. We always have such a great time hangin’ with Mom! Thanks again and don’t forget, we are all part owners of GM now so we have that going for us!


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